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8:39 a.m. - 2006-06-15
Okay... which of you deities are responsible?
So, today at 4:30 am I was forced out of bed by my incedibly 'ravenous' cats. As I stumbled out of bed, I can see their bellies jiggling side to side as they ran into the kitchen to wait for the sound of their food hitting their bowls. Ravenous my ass. Anyway, when I was done serving their royal heinesses (is that a word?), I went back to bed. As I lay down in bed, the amber glow of my alarm clock and the bright neon blue glare of my boyfriends computer CPU awoke a precognition in my little brain. There haven't been any earthquakes here in Hollister (the Earthquake Capital of the World) in a loooong time. There's going to be a 'good-size' earthquake soon... very soon... I feel it. It's not just paranoia this time.

(See, we live in a very old 2 story house. Actually, it was converted from a barn in the 1950's. So, it's not the most stable home in the world. I also have 2 cats that are like our children. They are strictly indoor cats. The feral cats outside and the oddly busy country road in our front yard would make their 'unleashed outdoor experience' very, VERY short and not to mention fatal. I am always worried that we'll have a big earthquake and the house will collapse or the windows will break and Cleo and Spuds will make a run for it... and die.)

So anyway... as I lie in bed, sticken with this borderline panic, I start to plead with... "Lord".. no, wait... and in a matter of seconds, I start to run through various deities and Saints, etc... none of them feel right... so I end up pleading with "Mother Earth" to please keep my cats inside if the earthquake is large enough to do damage. (As you can tell, I'm going through some spiritual confusion...) Then I go back to sleep.

NOT BUT AN HOUR LATER... I am awoken by the bed shaking... no, it wasn't Jarrod tossing and turning this time... the whole house is shaking. The handles on my dresser are clanging. I can hear the boards in the floor and walls creaking very softly. That weird equilibrium thing is goin' on. I sit up, prepared to run for a doorway. It slows... then stops. Jarrod wakes up and asks, "What's going on, honey?" I say, "Nothing.... just an earthquake." It felt pretty big.. I was guessing a 5.0. Just like the people who live in Tornado Alley in the Mid-West can estimate the F-size.. F1, F2, F5... of a tornado, we Californian "Lifers" can estimate the size of an earthquake after it's done.

My cats were stalking a mouse that found it's way into our cupboards in the kitchen at the time. I don't think it phased them.

Okay... the weird thing here is obviously my 'precognition' (if that's the correct term) about the earthquake happening soon. And then my pleading with Mother Earth to keep it safe. The earthquake ended up being a 4.7 with two 2.0 aftershocks.

Can I safely call this a coincidence?


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