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9:48 p.m. - 2006-04-24
Ultionis est dulcis amo mellis.
I've seen lately that most of my friends are on mySpace. So, I decided to make my profile ( and search around for other people in Hollister. I just happened to come across this space that a woman (or girl) made by the name of 'Crazy' ( Apparently this space was made just to torment a guy named Randy. And the majority was directed towards this guys new fiancee. Telling her that she was "Saint Dina, the patron Saint of Sadists".... and on and on about how she hopes they are truly happy together, etc. It seemed to have strong sarcastic overtones and a dash of bitterness. I could almost feel Crazy's pity for the fiancee... like she knew something the fiancee didn't... like she had a deeper understanding of this Randy guy. But it was obvious she didn't really like him at all. This girl "Crazy" never revealed who she really was. And the poor fiancee was apparently pretty erked at this chick. She was throwing out different names of who she thought it might be. Anyway, I was just thinking... why would "Crazy" write that blog if she really didn't care about the dude or wasn't jealous of the fiancee? I mean... did Crazy really have that much free time on her hands just to torment the people of her apparent past? And why did the fiancee care so much about what the Blog said if Crazy never revealed her identity? It looked like a delicious game of cat and mouse with a Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey chaser.

**EGO must profiteor. Is eram mihi. EGO sum non verecundor.**


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